Profile Desa Wisata Hijau Bilebante

paket sepeda di Bilebante


Terwujudnya Sapta Pesona dan Menciptakan Desa Wisata Hijau Bilebante Bersih Indah Sehat dan Aman (BISA).


1. Meningkatkan Sumber Daya Masyarakat yang berbasis iman dan taqwa.
2. Meningkatkan potensi Desa Wisata
3. Mewujudkan lingkungan masyarakat yang aman, tertib, bersih, sejuk, indah, ramah, dan kenangan.
4. Mengembangkan solidaritas antar tokoh masyarakat dan semua komponen masyarakat untuk membangun desa yang berlandaskan moral serta menjunjung tinggi nila-nilai adat istiadat.
5. Pemberdayaan masyarakat yang berwawasan luas, kolaborasi, Muslim Friendly, Hijau.
6. Mengembangkan potensi desa di semua bidang.
7. Meningkatkan peranan generasi muda dalam mewujudkan cita-cita pembangunan desa.
8. Menanggulangi kemiskinan dengan peningkatan keterampilan dan mengembangkan industri pariwisata.
9. Meningkatkan pengelolaan secara berdaya guna dan berhasil guna potensi SDA yang ada dengan peningkatan SDM yang memiliki keunggulan melalui pendidikan formal, nonformal, dan pelatihan.
10. Membangun dan mendorong terciptanya insan intelektual, insan inovatif, dan insan entrepreneur.

Sejarah Desa Wisata Hijau Bilebante

  • Bilebante Village has been established for approximately 100 years and is located in Pringgarata Sub-district, Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, with an area of 28,365 km2 and a population of 4,264 people, where the majority of the population is of productive age 
  • In Bilebante, the Sasak community lives peacefully alongside the Hindu community. The two cultures blend harmoniously and are a source of pride for the village community.
  • Kata Bilebante The name was Bilebante is derived from two words, "Bile," which means maja fruit (in Indonesian), and "Bante," which means dense undergrowth (in the Sasak language), implying a bile tree intertwined with dense undergrowth that binds strongly.
  • Bilebante Bilebante embodies a philosophy and values that strengthen the village community as a manifestation of cooperation and unity with all elements of the Bilebante village community.

Transition to a Tourism Village

  • In the past, the Bilebante village community relied solely on sand mining as a source of income.
  • However, the community realized the potential negative impact in the future and decided to seek alternative sources of income.
  • Additionally, there were social and environmental issues such as early marriage, many young men and women becoming overseas workers due to a lack of opportunities and skills in their village, and waste problems.
  • One of the potential sectors identified was tourism due to its potential for creating social, economic, and environmental benefits.multipler effect) yang dapat diciptakan untuk memberi manfaat sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan.
  • Bilebante has great potential to be developed into a tourism village due to its beautiful natural surroundings and motivated and eager workforce.

Steps Towards a Tourism Village

  • Initially, the Pijar program (cattle, corn, and seaweed) was implemented for the Putri Rinjani Cooperative chaired by Hj Zaenab, which attracted many visitors to learn about making tortillas from corn and seaweed. This sparked the idea of developing a tourism village.
  • Pada tahun 2015 tepatnya tangga 4 April proyek kerja sama Pemerintah Indonesia dan Jerman yang diimplementasikan oleh Bappenas dan GIZ mendukung rencana desa Bilebante menjadi desa wisata. Akhir tahun 2015 dilaksanakan workshop dengan semua unsur masyarakat desa untuk Mensosialisasikan rencana pembangunan desa wisata dan Menyusun rencana  aksi berdasarkan rantai nilai pariwisata desa.
  • The planning process considered social, economic, and environmental aspects of Bilebante village.
  • Bilebante Green Tourism Village was officially inaugurated in 2016, and attended by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, Bappenas, GIZ, and the Central Lombok Regency Government.
  • The management of the tourism village is governed by the Bilebante Green Tourism Village Regulation No. 03 of 2016. Peraturan Desa Wisata Hijau Bilebante No 03 tahun 2016 tentang Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Hijau Bilebante
  • The organizational structure is designed to be participatory, transparent, and accountable.
  • The roles of the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) and cooperatives are clearly defined in the organizational structure.
  • This institutional setup reflects the role of the village community as the owners of the tourism village activities, ensuring that the benefits are maximized for the entire community. masyarakat desa sebagai pemilik dari kegiatan desa wisata sehingga manfaatnya harus semaksimal mungkin diterima oleh seluruh masyarakat.


Management of Bilebante Green Tourism Village:

  1. 1. Pahrul Azim (Director of Bilebante Green Tourism Village)
  2. 2. Abdul Halik (Head of Fishing Market)
  3. 3. M. Tohri (Head of Herbal Garden)
  4. 4. Irmayanti (Head of Fitness Therapists)
  5. 5. Ikawati (Head of Culinary)
  6. 6. M. Rizal Aidi (Head of Bicycles/Guides)

Collaboration with Tour Operators

  • Cooperation with national and international tour operators to develop tour packages and access for promotion and marketing. tour operator nasional dan international untuk mengembangkan paket wisata dan akses untuk promosi dan pemasaran.
  • The number of tourist visits, both domestic and foreign, has increased sharply so that the local economy is getting excited.
  • Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism activities have stopped completely since March 2020. Only recently have tourists returned to visit, especially after receiving a CHSE certificate from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

Improving MSME Product Quality

  • Before becoming a tourist village, Bilebante was known for its UMKM products with Lombok's superior raw materials, such as corn and seaweed.
  • Bilebante is a national seaweed processing MSMEs training center.
  • Since it was developed into a tourist village, Bilebante MSME products have been growing both in quantity and quality.
  • During the Covid-19 pandemic where the tourism sector was affected, it was proven that Bilebante MSME products really supported the economy of rural communities, especially with innovation and diversification of healthy food and beverage products, such as herbs and snacks without preservatives, flavors and dyes.

Impact of Innovation and Improvement

1. Increased Revenue

The average income from tourism activities is IDR 3 million (source: Multiplier Effect Study, November 2019, GIZ), while the Central Lombok MSE in 2019 is IDR 2,021,000. Thus it can be seen that there has been a significant increase because in April 2019 60% of the evaluation respondents had an average monthly income from their main job of below IDR 1 million (source: Baseline Study, April 2019, GIZ). adanya peningkatan yang signifikan karena pada bulan April 2019 60% responden evaluasi memiliki rata-rata pendapatan bulanan dari pekerjaan utama di bawah Rp1 juta (sumber: Baseline Study, April 2019, GIZ).

2. Creating new jobs for the community

Creating jobs for young people and women, especially housewives, thereby preventing urbanization and reducing the intention to become migrant workers., terutama Ibu Rumah Tangga, sehingga dengan demikian mencegah terjadinya urbanisasi dan mengurunkan niat untuk menjadi TKI.

3. Capacity Building

More than 400 people participated in various trainings of which 66% were youth under 35 years of age and 84% were women. dimana 66% adalah anak muda di bawah usia 35 tahun dan 84% perempuan.

Impact of Innovation and Improvement

1. Infrastructure Development

  • - Fitness training in 2020 by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
  • - Fitness Tourism Center with DAK Tourism by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy

Arranged together with stakeholders

Yang disusun bersama dengan para mitra perusahaan

3. Opportunity to participate in national events and become a guest speaker

4. Becoming a pilot tourism village for implementing CHSE in West Nusa Tenggara

You can check the full details of the awards received by the Bilebante Green Tourism Village in the Award Gallery Menu

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